Thursday, December 30, 2010

caught on film

so i got my films developed! warning!!!: LOTS of photos in this post!

unfortunately many of the fisheye photos were either a) of random members of zach's family, or b) taken by someone who did not know the wonders of a fisheye lens,and therefore don't look cool at all
but the few that i got i like! so all is well :)

icicles from the last post, but in fisheye view

the record player i got for zach - we found out it was made in 1956!

because animals are best viewed through fisheye

the things i got with the giftcard my brother got me from urban outfitters: super comfy and awesome cardigan plus ten (ten!) nail polishes

paper snowflakes i made. they have designs on them but this photo turned out weird and you can't see it


so much snow...
and now for the slr photos!
zach gave me his old film slr for my birthmas (i forget which is birthday which is christmas) and i love all these photos! haha definitely going to have to use this more often... even though it involves developing time and stuff

we went to a cemetery..

me in the cemetery wearing my new coat!

zach in the cemetery..

snow in the cemetery...

a cool gravestone thing

the awesome snowman someone made! it was literally 7 feet tall

christmas sweater time

records in the store

zach's friend lives in this old building and this phone service-calling device was still in there


this is the old building. i imagine it used to belong to only one family... now it is apartments
and so ends the film photo extravaganza!


Sunday, December 26, 2010

ice wonderland

i was going to wait until i had some film photos printed, but i still haven't finished the rolls (fish eye & regular slr), so here's just a couple digital ones i took of the ice that greeted us after our 14 hour drive up here!

i think this last one is one of my most favourite photos i've ever taken...

hope you had a good christmas day =)


Friday, December 17, 2010

victorian florida

it was a nice warm day here today.. right before we leave to visit snow and ice! i call that perfect timing.

i celebrated by wearing my early birthday present - a dress from modcloth! look, no cardigan!

though believe me, i will be packing this and wearing it with multiple layers up north... since i basically have to wear it on my birthday. especially seeing as i'm not getting to go home this christmas and it was a gift from my family.

i really love the murals florida seems to like putting on every available blank wall, and especially this one (though my favoruite is one of an underwater scene, but it's on a busy road and i still don't like people looking at the photo-taking process)
but this is like a little victorian england in florida. and the people are kind of almost creepy. i'm looking at you, little girl who is not looking at me but might at any second.

painted on bricks and door!

it was a good last 2010 day in florida though, not just because of the weather. we went out to eat/drink twice with work peoples (veggie cajun alfredo pasta is amazing, just so you know) and i fiiiiiiinally mailed out my christmas gifts to england. better late than never, eh? i'm super excited for my family to get them though, even if it arrives a tad late (sorry!) because i really like everything i found.

a sneak peak of some more fisheye photos! christmas themed because i seem to have talked about it a lot in this i have a fever?
