Sunday, August 29, 2010

good enough to eat

before i left this morning for a final british shopping spree (not that 2 hours should really be categorised as "spree"..more of a sprint. i like to take my time...), all i could think of was how to get around the new theme of the snail and the pigeon (ice cream) because i was just finding it so so so difficult to even conjure something made up in my mind that would work and could actually be sent via mail...

i also finally checked out we heart it after having seen people loving it on a bazillion different blogs, though the key words "ice cream" didn't really produce anything helpful in my situation.

but "pastel" did.:

i gathered this bunch of photos, expecting to blog them earlier, as a sort of inspiration post, but had lost track of time, had to feed the kittens, and run to catch my train. i thought that was it. my last chance at it being from england was gone, because i hadn't fallen in love with any idea yet.

but in the last store we were in, i found something that i think is so perfect i still can't stop smiling/thinking about it.

i'm not going to say or show what i got, because i don't want anyone to know about it until it arrives with my receiver, but i will say it turned out to be none of the things pictured, haha!

also look at this adorable map the girls at la ville inconnue made! i'm so in love with it...

oh and tomorrow...or maybe tuesday after much resting, i will blog what i received from last month's exchange, from claire! because i will finally be able to touch it haha


  1. These are gorgeous images!
    I'll look forward to the big reveal

  2. Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it xo

  3. These are so lovely, and what a nice surprise to find our map!!! Beautiful pictures with such lovely pastel colours!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
